A woman in the neighbourhood locates his cat and gives it to him. Q12. Or                                                                                           (Textual). He started enjoying his life as usual. The price of houses increases usually as the years go by. The expected response would depend on the context, the intonation used, etc. He had neither books nor bags. He felt very isolated. He thought of how she would climb up his robe and crawl into his pocket to fall sleep. A fireman rescued her from inside the house. Why is the author deeply embarrassed the next day in school? What does the author notice one Sunday afternoon? Ans: The author is embarrassed because he feels that his appearance is weird without uniform, books and a backpack. Electric Water Heater Wiring. Q5. What happened to the author’s cat after his house was burned down?Ans: When the fire broke, almost the entire house was burnt. Answer: She felt awkward because it was a new school, much bigger than her previous junior high school. A House is not a Home- Theme, Title & Message, A House is not a Home- Character Sketch & Value Points, A House is not a Home- Important Word-Meanings of difficult words & Vocabulary, A House is not a Home- Short & Detailed Summary, A House is not a Home- Extract Based comprehension test Questions, A House is not a Home- Important Extra Questions- Very Short Answer Type, A House is not a Home- Important Extra Questions- Long Answer Type, A House is not a Home- Quick Review of the Chapter. He was so depressed that he did not want to grow up and wanted to die. lonley. He didn’t have a proper dress and study material. Tests & Videos, you can search for the same too. The fire tragedy changed the author’s life. This story reflects the challenges of being a teenager and the problems of growing up. What was stoked to keep the house nice and warm, triggered a major fire break out that turned Zan’s house to cinders and left him and his mother devastated. ICSE Paper 2016ENGLISH-I. It was blowing cold on that Sunday afternoon. But this time she inhaled smoke. Q3. Ans: After the fire incident, the author goes to school wearing the dress that he had worn to church on Sunday morning and the tennis shoes that he had borrowed from his aunt. Q44. Answer 4 – A sponge. The author loved his mother too much. He could not believe it. It was blowing cold on that Sunday afternoon. Ans: He could not grieve as a new place to live had to be found and new clothes had to be bought for school. Q16.What is surreal? Q15. He regained confidence. He was fond of her and could never think of living away from her. He saw his mother running into the burning house. He, and the 4 others, each got $28,600 and he received a 1099-S. All it has on it is the date of closing and gross proceeds. The big size of the new school and the separation from his closest friends made him feel isolated. When he lost each and everything in the fire, he felt insecure and in this harsh time, his schoolmates introduced themselves to him. Q44. What is his mother’s reaction? What is surreal? He looked weird in his clothes. Report Writing Samples : Sports Day Celebration, 19. Then I put an old rug in a basket and made it her new comfortable home.I sat down by the fire and tried to call the number of its owners.Unfortunately, the number seemed out of order. How did Zan go to the school the next day after a fire burned down his house? However, if your house has damage to it or is not updated to the modern times,... Read More. He had a pet cat which was his constant companion and source of entertainment. He willingly changed school and tried to adjust to the new environment because he knew his mother was doing everything for his good. His mother ran out of the house with a small metal box full of important documents. It was a big school and nobody knew him there. In a short answer question, the student types in a word or phrase in response to a question (that may include a image). Why did Zan try to run after his mother and why did the fireman hold him back?Ans: Zan tried to run after his mother because he was afraid of losing her. Q38. Q5. Q34. But he was very close to the teachers of the previous school. → Example: Yes, I am. SURVEY . (a) defines a home (b) defines a house (c) None (d) differentiates between a house and a home. The lady who handed over Zan’s cat to him did a noble deed. Ans. What happened to the narrator’s cat? Later, his house caught fire and he lost all the things including his cat. 1 Answer. A subject or point that is under discussion or open to controversy: the question of whether a new school should be built. Even after taking admission in a new school, why did the author keep visit his teachers at the old school. But he went to school the following day and found that his friends were also worried about this incident. They had collected money for him and arranged school supplies and clothing for him. The fireman held him back because Zan’s act was very rash and illogical. The big size of the new school and the separation from his closest friends made him feel isolated.
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