Tha mòran fianais a' sealltainn gu bheil brosnachadh chànanan is chultaran tùsanach ann an àiteachan far a bheil dualchas làidir tùsanach nan cànanan sin a' cur ri sunnd coimhearsnachd tùsanaich. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join the discussion and see a list of open tasks. Cànan Nan Gàidheal. Gus an cluinn sinn ann cànan nam Féinn: Until we hear the language of the Feín: Thig thugainn, thig cò'ruim gu siar: Come with us, come with me to the west: Gus an cluinn sinn ann cànan nan Gàidheal: Until we hear the language of the Gael : Nuair chithear fear-fèilidh'sa ghleann: When a … So by clicking on these links you can help to support this site. Bi na claidheamh ‘s na sgiath ‘nad dhòrn. Gus an cluinn sinn ann cànan nan gàidheal. Did you guess the next one on the list of my favourite Gaelic songs? Playing tracks by. It was not the sharp, cold withering from the east, It was not the rain and the storms from the west, But the plague that seduced from the south. This means I earn a commission if you click on any of them and buy something. Gus an cluinn sinn ann cànan nan Gàidheal . fhathast: fhathast (Scottish Gaelic) Adverb fhathast still Murdo MacFarlane, c.1980 : ach fhathast cha bèo cànan nan Gàidheal - but the Gaelic language still lives. External websites: Chan eil cus? Other Right down to Drumochter, famous for cattle. Cha b' e sneachda 'san reòthadh bho thuath Many's a lad who took a spell on the wheel Album. Séist There are Irish versions of the song, made by various people, but this isn't one of them, it's (part of) the original Scottish words. If anyone wants to see all eight verses instead of just four, they can be found (together with my translation and notes) at Ciamar a tha sibh? Cha b'e an t-uisge 's na gaillionn on iar, Gus an cluinn sinn ann cànan nan Gàidheal, Nuair chithear fear fèilidh 's a' ghleann, 'S tìr "mhajors" is "cholonels" 'n-diugh innt'. Cànan nan Gàidheal This poem is by the late Murdo MacFarlane (Murchadh MacPharlain, Bàrd Mealbhoist, 1901-1982) and I think it was written some time between 1970 and 1975. The author of translation requested proofreading. Here’s another beautiful song ‘Kendi ... Ежели надо дать в зуб ногой, то желающих в этом ..., Stray Kids - 승전가 (Victory Song) (seungjeonga), Stray Kids - 부작용 (Side Effects) (bujag-yong), Jerry Huang - 戀愛症候群 (Lian' Ai Zheng Hou Qun). Tha a’ Ghàidhlig, Albais agus Beurla, còmhla ri cànain Eòrpach agus eile a tha nise san dùthaich, uile a’ toirt buaidh air mar a tha sluagh Alba a’ bruidhinn ri chèile agus ris a’ chòrr dhen t-saoghal. Other versions have quite a few more verses. Scotland the Real Music from Contemporary Caledonia. Discover releases, reviews, track listings, recommendations, and more about Catherine-Ann MacPhee - Cànan Nan Gàidheal = The Language Of The Gael at Discogs. Cànan Nan Gàidheal Unsere Gälische Sprache Ur beatha am Baile. Ho creato questa pagina solo per raccogliere notizie di una civiltà che considero come parte di me, del mio spirito, della mia anima <3 Tha cothrom air cànan is cultar nan Gàidheal ann an coimhearsnachdan Gàidhealach fìor chudromach an cois sunnd coimhearsnachd. Tha structar cudromach sa leithid seo de bhàrdachd agus 's ann mun sin a tha na notaichean seo. Gus an cluinn sinn ann cànan nan Gàidheal. This song can be heard on the following albums: Different versions of this song: When they ripped his roots from the ground, In the place of Gàidhlig is the foreigners'language, That's what the enemy has said since long ago. Nuair chithear fear fèilidh 's a' ghleann. I translated this from Scottish Gaelic, not from Irish Gaelic. Thig thugainn, thig co-rium gu siar Cànan Nan Gàidheal Tannas. versions have quite a few more verses. Bu chinnteach gur Gàidhlig a chainnt. Ach an galair a blen bho'n deas Number of voices: 1v Voicing: Solo medium Copyright © 1998–2021 Simon Ager | Email: | Hosted by Kualo, Cànan nan Gàidheal ~ Catherine-Ann MacPhee, Come, come with me to the West That withered the blossom, the foliage, the trunk and the root Gu euchd nuair bu teòtha bha'n strì Cànan mo threubh 's mo shluaidh.
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