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QIAGEN Ingenuity Pathway Analysis helps you perform insightful data analysis and interpretation to understand your experimental results … Scordo JM, Olmo-Fontánez AM, Kelley HV, Sidiki S, Arcos J, Akhter A, Wewers MD, Torrelles JB. Lett. Canonical pathways with a p-value < 10−3 (1E-03) are labeled in red color while canonical pathways with a p-value > 10−3 (1E-03) are labeled in white color. Certainly, the gene expression patterns and activated biological processes in the distal nerve stump showed different characteristics compared to those in the proximal nerve stump. 36:51-37:19 My Lists, My Pathways, and Molecules tab At 1 h post injury, significant activated cellular functions were generally related to inflammation and immune response, tissue development, and numerous diseases. IPA allows you to compare analysis results from multiple experimental groups to identify similarities, differences, and trends. Ann. In the current study, we made rat sciatic nerve transection, collected the distal nerve stump samples at different time points, re-analyzed previous obtained microarray data (Yao et al., 2012, 2013) by using the R software and the limma package and uploaded the massive microarray data into the IPA program for a systematic bioinformatic analysis. Biological processes, such as response to stimulus, inflammatory response, immune response, cell proliferation, migration, and apoptosis, axon guidance, myelination, signal transduction, and protein kinase activity, were also investigated (Jiang et al., 2014). Baclofen modulates the expression and release of neurotrophins in schwann-like adipose stem cells. The authors thank Professor Jie Liu for his help in manuscript preparation. Ingenuity® Pathway Analysis (IPA) software was used to conduct pathway enrichment based on the recruited gene datasets mentioned above. 29, 321–332. Neurol. 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Chapter 3: histology of the peripheral nerve and changes occurring during nerve regeneration.
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