Imagine confronting a sunbather with the information that excessive sun exposure is … Let us consider someone who wants to buy a car. Let’s take a look at another one from Ezonomics. Cognitive dissonance, coined by Leon Festinger in the 1950s, describes the discomfort people feel when two cognitions, or a cognition and a behavior, contradict each other.I smoke is … The study of cognitive dissonance is one of the most widely followed fields in social psychology. Often, the person cheating justifies or diminishes the behavior to relieve discomfort. Cognitive Dissonance And Infidelity. 5 Cognitive Dissonance Examples in Everyday Life. For instance, if a man is put into prison for a crime he is suspected of committing, the authorities congratulate themselves on having put a dangerous man away. Examples of how cognitive dissonance theory relates to mass communication can be derived from personal experience. When dealing with this and attempting to relieve the dissonance, the man has a few choices. Three examples of cognitive dissonance might include a smoker who continues to smoke despite the knowledge that it damages health, a cult member who alters their beliefs when they are proven wrong and someone who cheats on a test once, but resolves never to do so again. Another prime example of cognitive dissonance in relationships occurs when infidelity takes place despite the deep-seated belief that cheating is hurtful and wrong. Cognitive dissonance occurs in everyday life situations and it is more evident when the behaviour conflicts with beliefs that are vital to self-identity. For example, Man should take care to protect the environment, yet he drives a non-eco-friendly car. A Real-Life Example. If you've suffered any of these conflicts, don't worry, you're normal. Cognitive dissonance is a term for the state of discomfort felt when two or more modes of thought contradict each other. It's common for humans to deal with cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance occurs frequently and to all of us (Harmon-Jones, 2019). Top Five Movies to Watch for Cognitive Dissonance By Ernest Hilbert • May 30, 2015 • Feature So, there’s the Hollywood version, and then there’s reality. Cognitive dissonance can lead to irrational decision making as a person tries to reconcile his conflicting beliefs.” This dictionary definition can be a bit heady. Cognitive dissonance (first explained by Leon Festinger) occurs when we are exposed to situations that contradict our beliefs and behavior. A better understanding of this theory comes from seeing real-life examples of what it means to be conflicted in this way. Miscarriage of justice is an unfortunate example of cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance can be understood better with the help of following examples: Cognitive Dissonance Example #1. This is a conflicting statement as the man should be protecting the environment and yet his car harms the environment, this can cause cognitive dissonance.
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