In paragraph 5 of his summary, Lord Justice Stuart-Smith said: I have come to the clear conclusion that there is no basis upon which there should be a further Judicial Inquiry or a reopening of Lord Taylor's Inquiry. [7][8][9][10] The panel's report resulted in the previous findings of accidental death being quashed, and the creation of new coroner's inquests. There are soapy politicians to make a pet of Liverpool, and Liverpool itself is always standing by to make a pet of itself. [91] However, on the day of the disaster, "by 2:52 pm when gate C was opened, pens 3 and 4 were over-full [...] to allow any more into those pens was likely to cause injuries; to allow in a large stream was courting disaster". This led to a crowding in the pens and the crush. Mr Duckenfield ordered a gate into the Hillsborough football stadium to be opened to ease overcrowding outside, causing a rush of thousands of Liverpool fans through a narrow tunnel into central pens. They always believed in us. Bibliography of over 150 books, journal articles, TV programmes and websites relating to the Disaster and its aftermath produced by Sheffield City Council's Archives Service. By this time, a small gate in the fence had been forced open and some fans escaped via this route, as others continued to climb over the fencing. I have considered the circumstances in which alterations were made to some of the self-written statements of South Yorkshire Police officers, but I do not consider that there is any occasion for any further investigation. Families believed that Popper was 'too close' to the police. But a turning point came on the 20th anniversary of the crush, when Labour minister Andy Burnham was booed and heckled after speaking to thousands of fans gathered at Anfield. The 10th and 20th anniversaries were marked by special services to remember the victims.[202][203]. Although there was enough evidence to charge the farrier with perverting the course of justice, it was felt not to be in the public interest to charge him. Liverpool won the match by four goals to nil.[224]. Meanwhile, on the pitch, police, stewards and members of the St John Ambulance service were overwhelmed. Documents disclosed confirm that repeated attempts were made to find supporting evidence for alcohol being a factor, and that available evidence was significantly misinterpreted. It was also reported that the jury would be directed to find Mackrell not guilty on the charge of contravening the stadium's safety certificate due to a lack of evidence. Other members were:[114]. "[26], Police presence at the previous year's FA Cup semi-final (also between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest and also at Hillsborough Stadium) had been overseen by Chief Superintendent Brian L. Their claims were dismissed and the Alcock decision was upheld. [190] The trial started on 14 January 2019 at Preston Crown Court, Lancashire before Mr Justice Openshaw. [126] MacKenzie said he should have written a headline that read "The Lies", although this apology was rejected by the Hillsborough Family Support Group and Liverpool fans, as it was seen to be "shifting the blame once again. [209][210] The Kop, Centenary and Main Stands were opened to the public before part of the Anfield Road End was opened to supporters. David Duckenfield war erst kurz zuvor befördert worden und erstmals Einsatzleiter bei einem Fußballspiel in Hillsborough. The prosecution argued that the crush was "foreseeable" hence the defendants were "grossly negligent". "[264], Pearce went on reflect that if South Yorkshire Police bore any responsibility, it was "for not realising what brutes they had to handle. [127] They also called for prosecutions for unlawful killing, corporate manslaughter and perversion of the course of justice in respect of the actions of the police both in causing the disaster and covering up their actions; and in respect of Sheffield Wednesday FC, Sheffield Council and the Football Association for their various responsibilities for providing, certifying and selecting the stadium for the fatal event. Two further gates (A and B) were subsequently opened to relieve pressure. [95], Lord Taylor regarded spectator allocation as irrelevant to the disaster. [213] The ceremony was attended by survivors of the disaster, families of victims and the Liverpool team, with goalkeeper Pepe Reina leading the team and management staff onto the pitch. Barry Devonside leaves Parr Hall, Warrington, where the Crown Prosecution Service has said, Hillsborough match commander David Duckenfield, former chief constable Sir Norman Bettison and four other individuals have been charged with offences relating to the Hillsborough disaster. [138], Merseyside Police Authority confirmed that Bettison would receive an £83,000 pension, unless convicted of a criminal offence. [280], The Spectator's comments were widely circulated following the April 2016 verdict by the Hillsborough inquest's second hearing proving unlawful killing of the 96 dead at Hillsborough. David Duckenfield went on trial for 95 counts of manslaughter 30 years after Liverpool fans were crushed in the Leppings Lane end of Sheffield Wednesday's stadium. David Duckenfield pictured in 1989 (Image: PA) Summing up the case, the judge said: "The deaths of 96 spectators, many of whom were very young, is, of … [99] Purpose-built stadiums for Premier League and most Football League teams since the report are all-seater. The intensity of the crush broke more crush barriers on the terraces. Possibly connected to the excitement, a surge in pen 3 caused one of its metal crush barriers to give way. At a meeting in Liverpool with relatives of those involved in Hillsborough in October 1997, he flippantly remarked "Have you got a few of your people or are they like the Liverpool fans, turn up at the last minute? As a result of the stadium layout and segregation policy, turnstiles that would normally have been used to enter the North Stand from the east were off-limits and all Liverpool supporters had to converge on a single entrance at Leppings Lane. That was after the IPCC's Hillsborough Contact team had received 230 pieces of correspondence since October 2012. CLEARED Hillsborough police commander David Duckenfield got nearly £2.5million legal aid — after victims got nothing for early inquests. [225][226], Initial media coverage—spurred by what Phil Scraton calls in Hillsborough: The Truth "the Heysel factor" and "hooligan hysteria"—began to shift the blame onto the behaviour of the Liverpool fans at the stadium, making it a public order issue. [42]:137,138 As this declaration was not immediately performed, confusion reigned over those attempting to administer aid on the pitch. [29], As is common at domestic matches in England, opposing supporters were segregated. [188], On 21 August 2018, it was announced that all charges against Bettison were being dropped as the CPS felt that there was insufficient evidence to have a realistic chance of a conviction. The 90-day inquest resulted in a verdict of accidental death being returned by nine to two. This programme was repeated at the end of the week in which the Hillsborough inquest found that the 96 Liverpool football died unlawfully. It emphasised the general situation at Hillsborough was satisfactory compared with most grounds. The system of ferrying injured from any location within the stadium to the CRP required a formal declaration to be made by those in charge for it to take effect. [76] The inquests returned verdicts of accidental death on 26 March 1991, much to the dismay of the bereaved families, who had been hoping for a verdict of unlawful killing or an open verdict, and for manslaughter charges to be brought against the officers who had been present at the disaster. [2] Ninety-four people died on the day; another person died in hospital days later and the final victim, who had been put into a persistent vegetative state by the crush and had never regained consciousness, died in 1993. [66] On 19 April, the death toll reached 95 when 14-year-old Lee Nicol died in hospital after his life support machine was switched off. The Liverpool manager, Rafael Benítez, set 96 balloons free. More than 28 years after their deaths, families of the victims gathered to hear the result of their long campaign in Warrington. Fans outside could hear cheering as the teams came on the pitch ten minutes before the match started, and as the match kicked off, but could not gain entrance. Mr Duckenfield has been interviewed under caution by Operation Resolve detectives. He was suspended from the club for a fortnight and many fans felt he should not play for the club again. Some supporters were delayed by roadworks while crossing the Pennines on the M62 motorway which resulted in minor traffic congestion. [140] Maria Eagle confirmed her understanding that WMP actions in this respect would be the subject of IPCC scrutiny.[135]. Rather than establishing crowd safety as the priority, clubs, local authorities and the police viewed their roles and responsibilities through the 'lens of hooliganism'. At this fixture, Arsenal players brought flowers onto the pitch and presented them to the Liverpool fans around the stadium before the game commenced. That it might so occur was foreseeable". The Crown Prosecution Service subsequently dropped all charges against one of the defendants. [34] "There's gaps, you know, in parts of the ground. This left planning for the semi-final match to Duckenfield, who had never commanded a sell-out football match before, and who had "very little, if any" training or personal experience in how to do so. [112] An archive of all relevant documentation would be created and a report produced within two years explaining the work of the panel and its conclusions. [133] The Home Secretary called for investigations into law-breaking and promised resources to investigate individual or systematic issues.[134]. [65] A total of 766 people were reported to have suffered injuries, although less than half required hospital treatment. [88], Taylor concluded that in responding to the disaster there had been no fault on the part of the emergency services (St John Ambulance, South Yorkshire Metropolitan Ambulance Service and fire brigade). ", "Page 14 – Hillsborough Independent Panel", "Hillsborough disaster: new inquest likely after damning report", Hillsborough files: Calls to strip Sir Irvine Patnick of knighthood, "Hillsborough Disaster Report Published – Wednesday 12 September", "Hillsborough papers: Cameron apology over "double injustice, "Hillsborough statement: Cameron and Miliband apologise", "Kelvin MacKenzie offers 'profuse apologies' over Hillsborough", "Hillsborough families demand new inquests be held", "New Hillsborough inquest likely after damning report", "Hillsborough families call for FA apology over disaster", "Hillsborough report: FA could face charges, lawyers tell Liverpool fans' families", "Hillsborough: Sheffield Wednesday and police urged to admit blame", "Premier League chairman must resign, says Hillsborough support group", "Hillsborough: home secretary says law-breakers must face investigation", "Hillsborough: Norman Bettison resigns from West Yorkshire police", "Hillsborough: police chief 'boasted' of role in smearing fans", "Hillsborough: Football fans' behaviour made police's job harder, says Sir Norman Bettison", "Bettison due £83k-a-year pension despite Hillsborough probe", "Hillsborough inquests: Jury reaches decision on unlawful killing question", "Hillsborough disaster: Fans unlawfully killed", "Hillsborough inquest verdicts quashed by High Court", "Margaret Aspinall: I am so grateful to the people of Liverpool", "Tears of joy as inquest jury exonerates the 96 Hillsborough victims", "Hillsborough inquests: Reaction to unlawful killing conclusion", "Hillsborough inquest suggests police 'should be prosecuted, "Calls for prosecutions after 'greatest miscarriage of justice of our times, "Labour Party: 'Greatest miscarriage of justice of our times, "Jack Straw expresses regret over failure of Hillsborough review", "Jack Straw on 1997 Hillsborough inquiry: 'I wish I could turn the clock back, "Kelvin MacKenzie is still blaming other people for S*n's shameful front page", "Watch ex-S*n editor Kelvin MacKenzie squirm as he's chased by cameraman", "Freemason police officers tried to 'shift blame' after Hillsborough disaster, inquest told", "Hillsborough: David Duckenfield was in same Masons lodge as officer he replaced", "Hillsborough tragedy: Did the Freemasons influence the Police? For some time, problems at the front of the Liverpool central goal pens went largely unnoticed except by those inside them and a few police at that end of the pitch. [83], Ashton and Phillips were not the only doctors present at the disaster not to be called to give evidence to the Popper inquests. The Leppings Lane end of the ground did not hold a valid safety certificate at the time of the disaster; it had not been updated since 1979. The panel concluded that "up to 41" of the 96 who perished might have survived had the emergency services' reactions and co-ordination been improved. [144][145] Upon receiving the April 2016 verdict, Hillsborough Family Support Group chair Margaret Aspinall, whose 18-year-old son James was killed in the disaster, said: "Let's be honest about this—people were against us. [3], Police disciplinary charges were abandoned when Duckenfield retired on health grounds and, because he was unavailable, it was decided it would be unfair to proceed with disciplinary charges against Bernard Murray. Duckenfield admitted he had lied in certain statements regarding the causes of the disaster.
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