Shiites make up a small proportion of the Muslim population and are mostly represented by descendants of Arabian and Lebanese immigrants. There are small numbers of Roman Catholics and Protestants, and an even smaller number of evangelical believers making up less than one percent of the population. Most of the Gambia’s Muslims are Malikite Sunnis, although there is also a large population of Ahmadiyya Muslims. By 1880 the religious aspect had all but disappeared, and the conflicts were carried on by war chiefs such as Musa Mollah, Fodi Silla, and Fodi Kabba. The Gambia is traditionally very tolerant of all religious creeds and beliefs and while the country is predominantly Muslim, with up to 90% of the population practising the basic tenets of Islam, it is essentially a secular country and it prides itself on its broad-minded acceptance of all faiths. A small percentage of Muslims, predominantly immigrants from South Asia, do not ascribe to any traditional Islamic school of thought. Only about 1% of the Gambia's population adhere to traditional African religions, such as the Serer religion. The first Europeans to visit the Gambia River were the Portuguesein the 15th century, who attempted to settle on the river banks, but no settlement of significant size was established. The first written records of the region come from Arab traders in the 9th and 10th centuries. The Portuguese were the first European explorers, encountering the Gambia River in 1455, and in 1681, the French founded an enclave at Albredabut. Religious Beliefs in the Gambia The Most Common Religion in the Gambia. It has a population of 2.35 million people. The country's president serves as the minister of religious affairs and maintains a formal relationship with the council. I can't remember ever being able to give a straight-forward answer. History. [5], Articles 17, 25, 32, 33, and 212 of the Constitution guarantee and protects the freedom of religion. He said he wanted to distance the nation from its colonial past. Most of the Gambia’s Christians are Roman Catholics, although there are also members of other Christian denominations. Its capital is Conakry. Five years later, D. K. Jawara (1924–) became the new republic's first president. Gambia is an Islamic nation attributed to the religious influence brought by the Berber traders even before the 10th century. Along with trade, merchants brought Islam and Muslim culture to Gambia. The Gambia Religions. Gambia [ˈgambi̯a] (offiziell englisch The Gambia bzw. Compiled by State Dept. Early History. History . (U.S.). All these religious groups peacefully co … Liste der religiösen Bevölkerung in Gambia Outside of The Gambia: 1-888-407-4747 or 1-202-501-4444 The Serer Religion … Christians are the second biggest religious group in the Gambia and account for about 9% of the country's population. Although Muslims dominate the populace, Christian religions are also practiced in the country with minimal followers. It had a population of 1,857,181 in 2013 and is the smallest nation on the African mainland, covering an area of 10,689 square km. More directly, Muslim Berbers from Mauritania were the direct agents of Islam to the Gambia and Senegal. Former President, Yahya Jammeh, declared the country an Islamic Republic in 2015. Non-Qadi district tribunals, which deal with issues under the customary and traditional law, apply sharia, if relevant when presiding over cases involving Muslims. Mandinka peoples account for 34% of the country’s population. After the death of the Prophet Mohammed in 632 AD Islam had reached North Africa. Three of western Africa’s major rivers—the Gambia, the Niger, and the Senegal—rise in Guinea. Descendants of the Portuguese settlers remained until the 18th centur… During the 5th and 8th centuries AD most of the Sene-Gambian area was part of the Empire of Ghana, whose rulers were of the Serahuli tribe. Ancient stone circles, known as the Wassu stone circles, are evidence of an early population; however, not much is known of it. Religion. DEDICATED to my dear and beloved wife the late Aji HADDY CONTEH TAAL who responded to Allah's eternal call on Saturday 2nd January, 2010 31A James Senegal Street, Banjul,The Gambia (220) 9928680 / 4223091 e-mail: gedehalwar @yahoo. Willst du die Anzahl und den Prozentsatz der Religionen in Gambia kennen. Here are 10 interesting facts about The Gambia … How Many Serial Killers Are On The Loose Today? Dates are given according to the Common Era. Christians live primarily in southern and western parts of the Gambia. Analysis - "Can you tell me a good book to read on Islamic history?" [2] There is a small group of followers of the Baháʼí Faith and a small community of Sikhs among South Asian immigrants. How Many Serial Killers Are Active In The UK Now? [8], Foreign missionary groups operate in the country. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions © 2021, 10 Countries Where Women Far Outnumber Men, The Most Famous Serial Killers In America And Their Twisted Crimes. Muslims constitute 96 percent of the population of the Gambia according to the CIA World Factbook, making Gambia a Muslim majority country. Both Muslims and Christians in the Gambia syncretize their faith with indigenous religions. This is a timeline of the history and development of Serer religion and the Serer people of Senegal, The Gambia and Mauritania. It is also not uncommon to find related Muslims & Christians belonging to the same family. Sufism and traditional African beliefs have a significant influence on the Islamic religion practiced in the Gambia. Interfaith marriages are common in the country, and the percentage of atheists is small. Cultural Diversity: Despite its small size (10,000 sq. Senegal, a country in western Africa. The Gambia's constitution guarantees freedom of religion to its citizens, and also mentions that political parties cannot be formed on the basis of religion. Christianity arrived in the Gambia with Portuguese sailors in 1456 when they sailed upriver and landed on James Island. The Gambia shares historical roots with many other West African nations in the slave trade, which was the key factor in the placing and keeping of a colony on the Gambia River, first by the Portuguese, during which era it was known as A Gâmbia. As a result of a conference in Paris in 1889, France ceded control of the Gambia River to Britain, and … Under the name French Guinea, it was a part of French West Africa until it achieved independence in 1958. Published by Government Printing Office, 2005. Faith-based nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) must meet the same registration and licensing requirements as other NGOs.[2]. Their jurisdiction applies only to marriage, divorce, custody over children, and inheritance questions for Muslims. The ethnic groups in the country speak their distinct indigenou… [2] In some areas, Islam and Christianity are syncretized with African Traditional Religion. During the 17th century, Gambia was settled by various companies of English merchants. Grolier Incorporated. [2] A small percentage of Muslims, predominantly immigrants from South Asia, do not ascribe to any traditional Islamic school of thought. The Serer people are primarily from Senegal and believe in the Roog as a supreme deity. The Mandinka (also known as the Mandingo and Malinke, among other names) are a West African people spread across parts of Guinea, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, the Gambia … British protectorate. Republic of The Gambia) ist eine Republik in Westafrika, die an den Ufern des Gambia liegt. The Gambia became independent in 1965. [2] Although most Gambians are Muslim, some suggest that Islam is usually syncretized with the old Traditional African religion such as the Serer religion. Although not represented on the council, the government provides the council with substantial funding. Despite earlier predictions that the community would … km) The Gambia is a diverse multi-cultural society with many ethnic groups and where most people are as a result multi-lingual. The Gambia is home to a population of around 2,092,731 individuals. Agriculture, fishing, and tourism dominate the economy of the Gambia. Zambia - Zambia - Religion: Zambia is predominantly a Christian country, although few have totally abandoned all aspects of traditional belief systems. For the most part, Gambians are inter-related regardless of their religious background. Not only is The Gambia a mainly Muslim country, but it is also located in a strongly Muslim region. [9], Sharia also applies to interfaith couples where there is one Muslim spouse. Located at the westernmost point of the continent and served by multiple air and maritime travel routes, Senegal is known as the ‘Gateway to Africa.’ Read here to learn more about the geography, people, economy, and history of Senegal. The government often invites senior officials of both religious groups to open major government events with prayers. By Senate (U S ) Committee on Foreign Relations.Annual Report on International Religious Freedom, 2004 p48-49. Gambia Religious Sites: See reviews and photos of 5 religious sites in Gambia, Africa on Tripadvisor. Since the 13th century, the Wolof, Malinke, and Fulani peoples have settled in what is now Gambia. Religious wars raged between militant Muslims known as the Marabouts and nonbelievers (known in The Gambia as Soninkes). [2], Intermarriage between Muslims and Christians is common. In the centuries to follow, tribes of Mandingoes and Susus from the Fouta Djalon Plateau of … The president, a Muslim, delivers a Christmas message to the nation each year and also delivers messages for major Muslim feasts. Cosmology, poems, ancient chants, belief in spirits, and initiation rights are all important parts of the religion. Religions: ... Pagan is a blanket term used to describe many unconnected belief practices throughout history, usually in reference to religions outside of the Abrahamic category (monotheistic faiths like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). It later became part of the Mali Empire under the Susu and Mandinka in the 13th century, which declined by th… The first known written record about The Gambia is a notation in the writings of Hanno, the Carthaginian, of his voyage down the west coast of Africa in about BC 470. The first known record of The Gambia is a brief reference in the account by Hanno the Carthaginian of his voyage through West Africa around 470BC. Outside of Office Hours, contact: +220 439 2856. In fact, Muslims account for about 90% of the national population, while the remaining 10% practice other religions or are non-believers. [6], Article 60 of the constitution prohibits forming political parties that are formed on a religious basis. U.S. Citizens with emergencies, please call (220) 439-2856. Religion Religious Tolerance. There are now over 200,000 Christians of various denominations including Roman Catholics, various protestant denominations including Methodists, Anglicans, Jehovah's Witnesses, Baptists, Seventh-Day Adventists and others. [2] Except for Ahmadiyya, Sufi orders pray together at common mosques. Additionally, the religion also involves a number of unique celebrations like the Randou Rande and Mbosseh. As in other parts of West Africa, rulers in the Gambia became Muslims and used its law, the Shariya, to consolidate their power. Mit einer Gesamtfläche von ungefähr 11.000 Quadratkilometern ist das Land der … The Qadi courts are located in each of the country's seven regions and apply sharia law. The Gambia: Religious affiliationEncyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Settlement patterns Human settlement in The Gambia extends across both banks of the river and is found in three regions: the swamps adjacent to the river, the riverine flats, known as banto faros (from a Mande word meaning “beyond the swamp”), and the sandstone uplands. [2], The government does not require religious groups to register. Except for Ahmadiyya, Sufi orders pray together at common mosques. Mit Ausnahme eines kurzen Küstenabschnittes an der Mündung des Flusses in den Atlantischen Ozean wird Gambia vollständig vom Staat Senegal umschlossen. The history of Mandinka people started in the Manden (or Manding or Mandé) region, which straddles the border between what is now southern Mali and northeastern Guinea.Hunters from the Ghana Empire (or Wagadou) founded the Mandinka country in Manden.The mythical origin of the Malinké and the Bambara people are their mythical ancestors, Kontron and Sanin, the founding "hunter brotherhood". The Gambia is one of the most religious tolerant countries in the world. [2] There are few atheists in the country. [3][4] Christians also syncretize Christianity with the old Traditional African religion. Guinea, country of western Africa, located on the Atlantic coast. English is the official language of the Gambia and is used for most formal communications. The vast majority are Sufi Sunnis influenced with Sufism, of which the main orders represented are Tijaniyah, Qadiriyah. [2][7], Government meetings and events typically commence with two prayers, one Islamic and one Christian. Index of articles relating to Serer history, Index of articles relating to Serer religion, Index of all articles relating to Serer people, International Religious Freedom Report 2007: Gambia, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, "Gambia's Constitution of 1996 with Amendments through 2004",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Annual Report on International Religious Freedom, by Senate (U S ) Committee on Foreign Relations, p 49, This page was last edited on 20 April 2021, at 05:26. Individuals of other religious beliefs also live in the Gambia, such as Hindus, Buddhists, and Bahá’ís. The first Christian missions arrived before colonial rule, and the growth of adherents was greatly assisted by the schools that they established. Before the arrival of the Europeans in the 15th century, the nation’s history was preserved in oral traditions. The vast majority are Sufi Sunnis influenced with Sufism, of which the main orders represented are Tijaniyah, Qadiriyah. The country has Qadi courts in different regions that declare judgments based on the sharia law that applies only to Muslims living in the country or to the partners in an interfaith union in which one partner is Muslim. A five-member Qadi panel has purview over appeals regarding decisions of the Qadi courts and non-Qadi district tribunals relating to sharia. 10 interesting facts about The Gambia . For a background to these events, see Roog, Serer religion, Serer … Historical Foundations of Islam: What bought the Islamic religion to the Senegambia basin including The Gambia were the Berber Arab traders who had regularly crossed the Sahara desert since 1000 BC. [2], A significant minority, estimated 3 percent of the population, is Christian, and less than 1 percent practice African Traditional Religion. The Gambia is a country in West Africa. Factbook > Countries > The Gambia > Demographics. The majority of the Gambia’s population are Muslim. The country has a high rate of poverty. Other ethnic groups with significant populations residing in the country are Fulani, Wolof, Jola, Serahuleh, Serer, Bambara, Creole, and others. It is understood that Islam and Christianity are commonly syncretized with African traditional religions. Muslims constitute 96 percent of the population of the Gambia according to the CIA World Factbook, making Gambia a Muslim majority country. Most followers of these religions trace their origins to South Asia. In the 16th century, the region came to be ruled by the Songhai Empire. Evidence of Islam in the Gambia exists from as early as the 11th century, stemming … This timeline merely gives an overview of their history, consisting of calibrated archaeological discoveries in Serer countries, Serer religion, politics, royalty, etc. The influence of Islam in the country can be dated back as far as the 7th century, when the Berbers of North Africa converted to Islam and plied West Africa for trading reasons. In medieval times, the region was dominated by the Trans-Saharan trade and was ruled by the Mali Empire. This is a question that I get asked time and time again. Major Muslim holidays are observed as national holidays in the Gambia. Most of the Gambia’s Muslims are Malikite Sunnis, although there is also a large... Christianity in the Gambia. [6], The Supreme Islamic Council is an independent body that advises the government on religious issues. It may be small, but The Gambia is crammed full of culture, history and natural beauty. The Christian community, situated mostly in the west and south of the country, is predominantly Roman Catholic; there are also several Protestant groups including Anglicans, Methodists, Baptists, Seventh-day Adventists, and various small evangelical denominations. According to, the area now known as The Gambia was part of the Ghana Empire ruled by the Serahuli between the 5th and 8th centuries. The Gambia is a small country situated in West Africa. The encyclopedia Americana, Volume 12, P262 Published by Grolier, 2000. About 90% of the Gambia’s two million people are Muslim. [8], The constitution establishes Qadi courts, with Muslim judges trained in the Islamic legal tradition, in specific areas that the chief justice determines. These links came to an end with the decline of the Roman Empire and the rise and the … Types Of Crimes By Number Of Offenses In The US, The 10 Biggest Shopping Malls In The World.
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