Barakat suggests in her novel that while men are constantly talking a politics and the war, women typically talk more mundane matters. "For many people, trap is a way out of a mundane life," UZ once said. Boring, dull, and unintere. It was difficult returning to our mundane life after our weekend high. In this tale set on an atoll of the Marshall Islands, the mythological and mundane intertwine in the lives of natives and Americans. straightforward life. Definition of mundane in the dictionary. Anyone with Internet access could observe the often mundane events of Ringley's life. Examples of mundane in a Sentence On him, a mundane navy blazer looked like an Armani dinner jacket; around him, a dusky locker room became the chandeliered lobby of the Savoy. . One mundane detail must be given in this chapter. Paddock had lived a mundane life until right before the end, his brother said. mundane translate: 世俗的;单调的;平凡的. The goal is to reverse negative feelings and beliefs and bring positivity, peace, confidence and calm to your life, and the right flower remedies will do this for you. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples that may be lacking in a sit-at-home-and-wish-for-something-more-kinda-way love life everyday life. Examples of mundane in a Sentence. Share Tweet. You leave your more mundane world behind, including your problems. 4. Christianity Today (2000) sentence, It’s a lifestyle. 63 The first type tend to be over more mundane matters, with the … 2001 How did our ancestors pass from the mundane activity of counting to the concept of 'number' in the abstract, devoid of any particular collection of objects to label? Like “Sometimes we all get dusty by a few mundane and tiring affairs—and merely need a gentle soul wash to see, and get deeply entangled with, the fervors of life … It warms my heart to think how many small-town, One of the strangest things that happens to you when you are raising a toddler is how the normally, Unlike the austerely disembodied Hungarian, however, Auerbach is a radical populist who celebrates the fleshly and, It's a little slice of life in a gathering of the, Every indication is negative for peace as far as, To increase the dosage of awe and joy in daily life, transform the, In relating to the activities in life, whether spiritual or, Sitting by a river meditating is nice, but real spirituality comes from making the, Again, this is in an effort to help the people of the tribe live in accord with spiritual and, The diary juxtaposes the profound and the, The other major technique used to maintain a view of the sacred and the spiritual is to reframe the, The focus is on trees that have served as mediators between, Because God is in everything and everyone, the most, The book's grand aims are filtered through his muddled mind, which has the unfortunate effect of making his spiritual quest seem, Such seemingly spiritual forms are sometimes offset by the depiction of something, In three separate films, he finds the meditational and spiritual in relatively, Just as today, in the past a great deal of rubbish was generated by the, They just wanted to see something exciting happen, something to break up the, Brands that stand out here take an otherwise ordinary and, Those acronyms, some might say, are designed to add a hint of excitement to an otherwise, We put fancy, bubbly skins on the dull and, In fact, it's almost easy to not read beyond her almost lyrical prose that makes the most, She has the happy knack of making the most, But its in the execution and delivery that these common themes are saved from becoming, It is has been really relaxing and all the. mundane definition: 1. very ordinary and therefore not interesting: 2. very ordinary and therefore not interesting…. ‘In relating to the activities in life, whether spiritual or mundane, their sense of workability disappears, and they face a state of bleakness.’ ‘Monks, nomads and family members needed attention - spiritual, medical and mundane.’ 133. 2 The Guardian - Books. : Let me begin most mundanely with a history of how Alice's Adventures in Wonderland came about. Very ordinary and therefore not interesting: Mundane matters such as paying bills … You may feel that you live a mundane life, women, but it is a good life and God’s perfect plan for you! 8 Mundane matters such as paying bills and shopping for food do not interest her. To Sue Williams, life in the UK seems rather mundane. The list included many mundane, routine tasks. The sign I received this afternoon is that all the places that keychain has led me in the past 26 years are now part of my history, as is Leather Sunny Face. . The Sun (2014) He volunteered for the most mundane tasks. ordinary life. — Walter Benjamin. As odd as it may seem, you will find some of your greatest blessings hidden from the natural mind. I think they have the mundane aspect of the season over. Mundane used in sentence example & words in English. Though dishwashing is often seen as a mundane chore, listening to music makes it much more bearable. 2. It's difficult to see mundane in a sentence . “Play with your ideals and laugh at the limitations of your mundane life.” ― Miranda J. Barrett tags: ideal-life, limitations, mundane-life, play, playful. unremarkable life. Definition of Mu. Caught up in a real-life adventure that seems unbelievable even to him, Walter attempts to hide his double life from his mundane family and friends. RELATED ( 2 ) familiar people. tacky life. There was a great deal of variation, ranging from the mundanely technical to the anguished plea for understanding and cooperation. Weary of his mundane work-a-day life, he faked his death and re-invented himself as a European playboy. Kid falls down mountain CernaVelio. The restaurant should spice up their menu and replace the dull and mundane dishes. Examples of mundane in a sentence: 1. Though his friends were having a fun time at the bar, Kevin settled for a mundane evening at home. Meaning of mundane. Some of these women were given work assignments that were routinised, He believed he was too grand to have something as, Her desire to see the world and get out of the, Up the stairs, on the second floor, was an armory of the greatest weapons and articles of armor in the world, both, Was it the big plot points that you wanted to reflect in your life or the, A limp handshake and a thank-you for rounding out the end of an otherwise, Iyer spoke of ideas and illusions of India, of the. 1 Thessalonians 4:11. trite life. exact ( 3 ) ... forgetting the various mundane people I had met in my old language-teacher life. Why Life is Too Short To Be Mundane Why Life is Too Short To Be Mundane. Mundane An unremarkable, ordinary human being. Emily cites much scientific research in her article that points to the fact that meaning is found not in success and fame and glamour, but in the mundane and ordinary. More sentences →. A good life is a life of goodness — and that’s something anyone can aspire to, no matter their dreams or circumstances. a mundane love life means a love life that is boring or nonexistant....I would say mundane in this sentence does not mean either one of the options you provided I would go with lackluster/no frills to rephrase it, try . I love the desktop app, it’s always running on my Mac. But on Wednesday, his mind was on something more mundane. I won’t forget a single … Mundane in a sentence 61 But Sophie Ryder is a sculptor who finds artistic merit in the more mundane aspects of rural life. I was eager to become anonymous again, to settle into the great glory of a mundane life. An ordinary, unexciting thing can be called mundane: "Superman hid his heroic feats by posing as his mundane alter ego, Clark Kent." All mundane phenomena were inexplicably contorted that night. March 8, 2020 by admin Leave a Comment. SHARES. Mundane Sentence Examples. That's the unseen aftermath of vertiginous success, the sudden re-engagement with mundane life. And they make someone who may have a rather mundane life feel hip". Your grandparents had a different word for mundane. regular life. I apologize to any readers who spent valuable minutes reading limitless minutiae about my, The thought of being entertained purely by tap for an hour and twenty minutes sounds mind-numbing and, There surely must be an interesting use for this, once my, The Gaelic language ensures that even the most, Instead, he began the first of a succession of, They are treading a fine line, risking bookings over, Each book does a splendid job of tracing the origins and development of a religious doctrine and its impact on the, It'd be funny if I was finally killed by something as, When we make something separate, we set it apart from the, With the examples set at the top by the people in real power, it makes local behaviour very, Chris Weston's detailed, sophisticated art bridges the, Enlisting Crumb's help, he writes a series that chronicles his, Back in the late 1970s it languished at motoring's base camp, keeping company with much more, Somehow Ludwig seemed to have succeeded in functioning in the, This, coupled with the frenzied yells of the supporters, makes even the most, The impromptu debate, over light beers and dirty martinis, was at once, Currently, maintenance workers are trying to clear the backlog of, In our cultural tradition dwarfs belong to the mythic world, not the, People who are not amnesiac do not forget, Elitism establishes itself on such a putative ability to rise above, It is a fiction constructed through collection and amplification of the, Everything that makes him such a charming, slightly oddball singer remains, not least in the lovably. Life Sentence to Mundane Tasks 15 player public game completed on March 23rd, 2020 82 0 21 hrs. familiar life. Mr. Sagittarius started, as if suddenly recalled to mundane matters. Examples of Mundane in a sentence. simple life. And believe me, it’s one that’s worth living! Learn more. They called it real life, which they saw as an opportunity, not a boring sentence. 2. xx2t. Godly Womanhood. Out of the Indian approach to life there came a great freedom, an intense and absorbing respect for life, enriching faith in a Supreme Power, and principles of truth, honesty, generosity, equity, and brotherhood as a guide to mundane relations. 7 I lead a pretty mundane life; nothing interesting ever happens to me. ... My life is too mundane and repetitive to want to do it somewhere else as well. Examples of 'mundane' in a sentence mundane. "Instead I have making music going on in the background to my otherwise mundane life. 6 It's an attitude that turns the mundane into some-thing rather more interesting and exciting. These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. Rolling up the mountain Cendi. The mundane aspect ( of the regular season ) is gone. Day 6 – Teen Devotion: Life Is Mundane. Examples of Mundane in a sen. Sentence examples for mundane people from inspiring English sources. Neuberger takes pleasure in all sorts of mundane aspects of life. Sentence examples for mundane life from inspiring English sources. 5. 1. He held his conversation to mundane chit-chat. DiscoverLIA COVID-19Ludwig Initiative Against COVID-19. 2. They gave mundane explanations. 14. In my view, if you have passion for whatever that you do in your life, then any and every day of the week becomes a … Jesus promised in John And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you. The novel cleverly contrasts the family's mundane life with underworld violence. Ludwig is the first sentence search engine that helps you write better English by giving you contextualized examples taken from reliable sources. Sign up for free or try Premium free for 15 days, © 2014-2021 Ludwig S.R.L.S. Coupled with the fact that the main thrust of all the stuff I've done lately is repetitive, But underneath all the excitement lurk the, She begins to experiment, creating casts of mortuary slabs as well as, We're basically conditioning our physical bodies to run with our spirits when we cast away the, He meshes the grotesque with the strange, interweaves the, You're gonna become one unhappy, sore and, These men are dancing, unburdened by gravity and lost in celebration, leveling the sacred and the, Now, I've no specific objection to one's needy compulsion to share, As vocal as the fans were, and as hard as they tried to liven the atmosphere, the mood at times was quite, A collectively created experimental piece about the, Where are the shows about gadfly millionaires who rattle about in drafty mansions, and the, He finds out his mother has been whoring herself downtown just to put some excitement in her, A barely audible, beautifully modulated voice recounts some, The risk is in misleading the audience, trivializing the horror, and reducing the madness into something, In truth, the spaghettification of the motorway intersection had less to do with revolutionary visions of the future than the more, The young boys and girls from the Fountain of Life in Pattaya saw some of their dreams and wishes come true, and received a break away from the, Back then, he seemed to be living on another planet, a delightfully dotty and scholarly man untouched by the more, We have been protesting, rallying and mobilising, but we've also been distracted by the more, The guy has brought all his resources to bear to pay tribute to blue collar heroism, dignify, So now they've given up even trying and have adopted the uniform of the conservatively, Our inquisitive interest encompasses all levels, from the most, As long as there are institutions with lots of money and an interest in seeking rents and favors, there will be corruption, and more, Blake, like the proverbial alchemist, by his illustrations, changes the, With nothing tangible at stake in terms of league positions, one might have been forgiven for imagining that it would develop into a fairly, While Butler includes race as performative, other scholars have extended the discussion to include the, You won't read this for the prose, the insight or the critical perception, but it's the fan book for fans who prefer lies, gossip and rumours to, Nightclub hostesses and air stewardesses were a, The interaction between the parts and the horizon brings the lunation cycle down to earth, projecting it, via the ascendant, into the sublunar sphere of the, I was thinking about palindromes today as well, but for the rather more, Today we use these systems, which are ubiquitous and affordable, chiefly for, The imminent arrival of January's annual pain in the wallet, otherwise known as the electricity bill, is an example of the, Moreover, the one-sidedly romantic approach discounts the degree to which stability and support through the, The glowing oil lamp in the foreground and the sash window illuminated in the sober terrace beyond are at once marvellous and, It sets the rhythm of life in this archipelago and is a pulsating hub that blends the Oriental with the Occidental, the, New hairstyles and haircuts are great ways to change your look, especially if you feel like you are due for some sort of change and are tired of your, We Think Alone feels at first somehow too quotidian and, We preferred to decline in splendid isolation rather than prosper in a, Grateful that I'd been allowed into this space, I finally moved on, returning to my, These open narratives are luscious representations of, The skronking sax is relentless and pointless and although the electronic bleeps are a welcome change, it's not enough to make these, This correspondence blends the maddeningly, Arens collected such tiny surrealistic beachheads in a frontal assault on the, And while social programs are nothing to scoff at, the more, Ordinary people, after all, just want to get along with their lives, with the routine and, I had always rejected the suburban ideal of the carefully clipped and methodically poisoned greensward, with its connotations of Babbittry and, Still, by the time Wonka and his guests set sail, the fact that their ship is a Viking longboat carved from a big boiled sweet seems almost, On the other hand, suspending all rational powers of disbelief and gasping out loud in glee can be great fun, and livens up a, Both frequently apostrophize unidentified addressees, and both manipulate pronouns in intriguing ways, but his lyrics imply, Most of what you hear, however, will be pretty, It was the need to escape this trap that in part led Smithson to reorder the relationship between art and audience along the, Ken comes alive in a theatre situation, and his wit and intelligence are a refreshing change to the, The interpenetration of the worldly and the otherworldly, the, Now, husband and wife are quarrelling about more, But they also share a secret language and keep a drawerful of, Thumbsucker is a deeply-moving rites of passage story that makes Adrian Mole's growing pains seem rather, On the other hand, Russia's prestige literature has a very long history of being outsold by books with far more, Evidently a study of verticality, the work seeks to depict the obstacles that can crop up while trying to overcome life's, The music video is about an average guy who fanaticizes throughout his day to get through his, Please send any examples of A-list footballers spotted in, I got a job in pathology and started out doing the, Whatever the media promote and the chorus chants, whatever dapples dinner tables, this is not a, John's work has received critical acclaim across the country for his down to earth, deadpan style which makes merry from the, Often the joke is achieved by a po-faced conjunction of the grandiloquent and the thumpingly, The AutoLoader reduces labor costs, while increasing productivity by freeing up operator time from, Adapted from the novel by Walter Kirn, Thumbsucker is a deeply moving rites of passage story that makes Adrian Mole's growing pains seem rather, Like streetwise residents in underpoliced neighborhoods, copwise individuals learn to reinterpret the, My hope is that it causes someone to pay attention to a tiny seed pod or to the feeling of grass under ones feet, to pay attention to the small, The Museum of Lebanese Prehistory, the trove's more, Long famed in fandom, Mr. Bloch skyrocketed to prominence in the, No doubt they won't be so easy to tell apart, each as, This included clothing, games, various items for spiritual or recreational use, and objects related to, The movement presented a challenge to traditions of fine art by including imagery from popular and mass culture, such as advertising, comic books and, Decorated tumis such as this one may have been used for ceremonial purposes, although their utilization on more, More a loose collective or even a state of mind than an actual aesthetic movement, mumblecore concerns itself with the, As the passage and the chapter draw to an end on this Platonically heterodox note of veneration for the, The toccata of Galuppi left behind as its relics the melancholy of, It is he whom an ancient monument represents as the demiurgic principle creating the, Helladius called him OES, but says he had the feet of a man, and sprang from a, So you could soar into the circumambient ether and leave all, But my boyish appreciation of the Bishop's, The distinction between the poor teachings of, Mr. Sagittarius started, as if suddenly recalled to, In this tale set on an atoll of the Marshall Islands, the mythological and, Athos did not smile at this little pleasantry which Planchet had aimed at him, in order to try his strength in, The boy looked up with his first gleam of interest in, Then, and not before, she may address herself to, Perhaps, it is that music can be found in the, I then narrated the details of my departure from the Earth, explaining that my body there lay fully clothed in all the, to her, strange garments of, The Fultons appear to be enjoying a nice and quite life devoid of spice that will all change when a monkey wrench is cast into the cogwheels of their. By clicking "I Accept" or "X" on this banner, or using our site, you accept our cookie and privacy policy. What does mundane mean? From the exciting to the mundane, I will share all of my experiences with you. . Alice hates her job because she is asked to do mundane … . P.IVA 06333200829 REA PA-314445, And they make someone who may have a rather, "Instead I have making music going on in the background to my otherwise, That's the unseen aftermath of vertiginous success, the sudden re-engagement with, The novel cleverly contrasts the family's, I was eager to become anonymous again, to settle into the great glory of a. The restaurant should spice up their menu and replace the dull and mundane dishes. . Mundane matters ,that is the routines of life, such as paying bills and shopping for food do not interest me. trivial life. RELATED ( 20 ) commonplace life. Curious? dull life. 48. 6. holyphat1. Click the subscribe button on the right of your screen, and stay tuned to more about how to live Lives Not Wasted. Mundane definition: Something that is mundane is very ordinary and not at all interesting or unusual . This is referred to the extent to which an experiment is similar to real-life situations as the experiment's mundane realism. 3. 3. SFMH. ordinary people. — Curry Kirkpatrick , ESPN , 19 Mar. As with more mundane occupations, human capital is what counts. 2 likes. (derogatory) A person considered to be "normal", part of the mainstream culture, outside the subculture, not part of the elite group. Could you use Mundane in a sentence ? 5 I lead a pretty mundane existence. I presumed you would politely make your excuses and leave, the moment my world became calm, normal, It is the job of a houri to climb or fly because ordinarily, As we taxied to a halt, a car drew up to the plane's steps to take us home through, Unfortunately, this adaptation of Dorian proved dramatically fuzzy and choreographically, If contemporary art does nothing else, it at least creates a sense of difference from the, Never assume that other people will be interested in the banal day-to-day trivia of your, At other times, their superheroic identities are kept secret, hidden beneath, All religions have their symbols of holiness through which the sacred flows into the, Mr. Deendayal Dilkush, that unhealthy, lethargic man of, Some say that Ecclesiastes is read at the feast of Succoth, a harvest holiday, to teach people to despise, In Amia, as in many actinopterygian fishes, the ceratobranchials do much of the, It is unfortunate that these beautiful elements are marred with such, The innovator innovates, only to end up managing the, In the Upanishads, the veritable storehouse of Indian philosophy, the sublime and the, More often, they were prepared to play the stool pigeon not for thirty pieces of silver, but for much more, She had her jacket slung over her shoulder, her finger curled through the loop in a way that was enticing despite being, Even laziness, inattention and simple absorption in the, The imagery evokes the sense of transforming the, But a few intrepid researchers are still pushing back the frontiers on this most, Some foodies readily dismiss the taco as either, And I ultimately wound up changing nearly every font to different flavors of Arial, which yields a distressingly, They talked non-stop for the entire flight about their, The remedy for those of nervous disposition was a, Furthermore, the mores and folkways of our culture, the small and, There was a competitive edge, which vitalised the most, But just as soon as the question is posed, it is mooted by Amis's perspectives on the cosmic and the, These are empirical questions rather than theoretical ones, and the issues seem, Such power can be put to use for achieving, My whole temperament is quickened, my understanding sharpened, and all, Either job would offer contact with people and a working day less, Once night falls and your enemies switch from the, Robert Elms' excellent phone-in show on BBC London often features such, Given data on planetary orbits, conventional GA could only perform, Well, of course, it is just that usualness of, I may have an impoverished imagination, but the only explanation that seems to fit is the, The streets are ordered and navigable, but not to the point of becoming, As it stands, the film is just slightly above, As the number of pop-up ads continue to escalate, even, No more biblish, no more tiresome polysyllabic nonsense, no more. mundane realism in a sentence - Use "mundane realism" in a sentence 1. In the mundane world, everyone wears a mask in his life. The … Life Sentence to Mundane Tasks The Caption God. And I’m a firm believer that life gives you signs, however mundane and silly they may seem. Ludwig is the best English buddy, it answers my 100 queries per day and stays cool. ‘In relating to the activities in life, whether spiritual or mundane, their sense of workability disappears, and they face a state of bleakness.’ ‘Monks, nomads and family members needed attention - spiritual, medical and mundane.’ Once they were together, the gate became a place they’d visit each time they passed through O’Hare, Chasten writes, a pilgrimage to a spot that might be mundane to everyone else, but to them was a landmark in their relationship. They chose their side by more mundane considerations. Here’s one of the most important things I’ve ever learned in life: Don’t lose yourself in the mundane humdrum of everyday existence. 62 Mirth is an escape from the humdrum just as the transcendent is an escape from the mundane. Mundane life proclaims the total subjugation of eroticism to privacy. 7. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese simplified Dictionary. When we plan our futures, we think in terms of fun, excitement, and achievement; but in truth, the stuff of life is more mundane. January 30, 2018 Rory Jailbreak Your Mind!, Lifestyle, Personal Development. I personally am tired of the mundane life, one that doesn’t count for much, other than survival. : More mundanely, they're cooks, cleaners, drivers, a pair of willing hands and the biggest fan their child will ever have.
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