If one knows their history—and as a history major, I know a little—they would know that every major piece of weaponry has some kind of shortcoming. Each whole-plot is then divided into four sub-plots, and the four different rates of fertilizer are assigned randomly to the four sub-plots within each whole-plot. Make sure the reasons are sound and fit the story and characters so it feels believable. I should stop. It wasn’t a hard sci-fi piece like Isaac Asimov used to do, and it wasn’t rooted in the science of space travel like Star Trek, but there was always a certain realism to it. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Netflix's The Rain: Season 3's Biggest Plot Holes, Explained. Godzilla is about man’s self-destructive power and how nature is always more powerful. I agree this is a plot hole to the extent that the officer should have known better. I can only imagine what things are explained in the Han Solo movie coming out. You may think it’s contrived, but it seems completely in keeping with the Star Wars universe as we know it. Apparently, there’s a large body of Star Wars fans who thought the Death Star’s exhaust port was a narrative flaw, and a lot of people are glad that someone finally explained that plot hole. That’s how I felt about the Death Star exhaust port. But the idea that the exhaust port was not a design flaw, but an intentional act of sabotage, undermines the point of the original film. How to use contrivance in a sentence. Heck, you could say the contrivance is that the exhaust port is so small. What are plot holes, inconsistencies, and contrivances that you feel... Dragon Ball - General This is a split board - You can return to the Split List for other boards. Netflix's The Rain brings its story to an end with its third season but as new villains arise, a couple of major plot holes … Keep your plot devices organic to the narrative. I re-encountered one after I saw Rogue One, and I felt my inner snob coming back out with a vengeance. It’s tossed around by hacky, wannabe critics on the internet (I know, glass houses, shut up) to describe anything the reviewer didn’t like about the movie. Why he slings his blaster low? The Falcon and the Winter Soldier “The Whole World is Watching”, He’s the baby merchant, Tots-R-Us: Cop Rock “A Three-Corpse Meal”, Johnny Mnemonic (1995), a recap (part 2 of 3), Johnny Mnemonic (1995), a recap (part 1 of 3), Make Captain America great again: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier “New World Order”, Interstellar (2014): a recap (part 1 of 3), When Lois Lane almost banged a horse: Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #92. It was downright lame at times. Will the Bothans get their own movie next? I’m kind of on the fence about them. Agatha Christie's seminal mystery play The Mousetrap is known for its large number of plot holes. The exhaust port is no longer a symbol of the Empire’s overconfidence, but a cheat code that was there all along. Movies are so different than books. It has wonderful characters that stand the test of time. It can be fantastic for a story when that happens, when characters are so fully realizedthat they begin to write themselves. Star Wars is a story about people and struggle and comradery. The exhaust port was there and the Empire didn’t notice it because they were too enamored with the weapon’s destructive capability to care about such a small detail. And when it's an actual problem it's hurting the story, not adding to it. What does plot hole mean? Bruce Wayne showing up in Gotham City after having his back broken and being marooned in Asia is a plot hole. Contrivance definition is - a thing contrived; especially : a mechanical device. And look at that last quote. For those of you who don’t know, theme is what a story is about, in terms of what it says about life or humanity. Character Plot Holes. The idea in a romantic story arc, usually in a fantasy or at least a fanciful setting, that two star-crossed lover will just bump into each other with no preamble or idea of who they even are and somehow form a lasting relationship from this. The plot in each game tends to be an excuse to employ the assorted characters and gameplay mechanics we all know and love, and sometimes love to hate. Get these elements in place first and then layer on plot devices. A lost sorcery from ages passed, or so I been told. 5 minor Star Wars characters who made a big impression, Why long-awaited sequels are never that good: The long-awaited followup, Everything you need to know about law school (is in. This lets you plot just one figure with (x,y) coordinates. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.”. In the end, it was an enjoyable enough time, but nothing special. I hate to tell you that you’re still wrong, because of…. Star Trek is generally about technological advances making it possible for humanity to overcome its differences. The overarching theme of the original trilogy is that the Empire loses because of their arrogant belief in their technological and material superiority. And they also happen to be within walking distance of Scotty, who just happens to know how to get them back to the Enterprise. These threaten a plot’s very existence. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a plot hole is “An inconsistency in the narrative or character development of a book, film, television programme, etc.” Essentially, it’s when something that’s basically impossible happens in the narrative. However, I don't think every question in a story needs to be answered or spelled out. Interesting. I have three points here, each of which leads into the next, so I’ll start with the biggest elephant in the room: the definition of a plot hole. The struggle of an ill-equipped rebel force that nevertheless manages to hang on and defeat a much larger enemy has happened throughout history. (You must log in or sign up to reply here. (A lot of people don’t like the Ewoks. Quality storytelling still requires strong fundamental storytelling, vivid worldbuilding, and relatable characters. Crash Bandicoot has never tried to be famous for its story. Ok this one is simple. A cross between a penguin and a sloth. Some stories have a life of their own; authors can start off in one direction and find that the characters and events they’ve created are intent on dragging them somewhere unexpected. And my reaction is…. As you write it, you will plot just one figure, but you can make something like this: The Death Star having a small flaw that can lead to its destruction is, if anything, a plot contrivance. That power happens to be magic, this is plot contrivance. So your all powerful character happens to have that one in a million power necessary to save the day, this is plot convenience. I suggest we use it.”. NOT PLOT HOLES: Things we have to infer on our own. Plothole. So why wouldn’t the Death Star have an exhaust port? But the Ewoks are cute. “Evacuate?! If anything, the Death Star exhaust port is a plot contrivance. That world (realistic or not) needs to make sense. But in its 38 years of existence, a run that saw it explain a bunch of things that didn’t need explaining and providing backstory nobody asked for, it still never wasted time explaining how the exhaust port on the Death Star came to be. The Empire, even down to the design of the uniforms, was influenced by the Nazis. It’s basically what the author or creator is trying to say. But it is a rather small one, as it's easy to imagine an officer making an incompetent on the spot decision. The Crash Bandicoot Plot Holes Posted by HP Zoner on June 2, 2019. Artillery weapons so massive that the gun destroyed itself the moment it was fired. One of them is that the detective, despite knowing the identity of the murderer, lets him proceed to kill further people, rather than arresting him on the spot. Not really, considering that…. Now imagine if the film did not feature this and we see 007 using a never-before-seen gadget to get out of a tight situation. At the midpoint of the film, he goes to prison for murder; when he’s in, he convinces his cell mate to watch as he goes back in … Support the Agony Booth for as little as $1/month! Even with the Force and all that, the universe felt lived in and tangible. The have no room, with all the planes they transport. What is Vader’s response to that? They do, however, tend to be mutually exclusive. I always thought that the idea of a movie about getting the Death Star plans was silly. I did read your entire post. Maybe, if it’s not a plot hole, we can at least agree it’s an unnecessarily stupid plot contrivance setting up the videogame-style trading sequence of multiple MacGuffins that we have instead of a story. Alfred Hitchcock coined the term “MacGuffin” to describe an object that is, in a story, pursued by all principle parties. And the rebels are no longer simply taking advantage of the Empire’s arrogance. Now for the boring part where I talk about the movie’s theme. The death star plans aboard that life pod later resulted in the destruction of the death star, moments before it would have wiped out the primary rebel base. These types of plot holes also range from big to small, with varying degrees of repercussions. The same group of rebels later grew and successfully overthrew the empire. The Star Wars Expanded Universe could be pretty hit or miss. I think it's a plot hole, and any declarative statements that I'm wrong and/or implications that I'm too stupid to understand plot holes will do zero to change my mind. This communicates vitality and realism to the audience, bu… It had some pretty good moments, the fighter scenes were a lot of fun and felt the most like Star Wars than any other element in the movie, and the story moved along well enough. It was a perfectly serviceable sci-fi action film. And I think a story only needs to be believable in the world it's set in. The vehicles and ships had capabilities and limits to what they could do. Of course, subjectivity is a thing, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but there’s one small problem with the notion that Rogue One explains away the greatest plot hole in Star Wars history: It isn’t a plot hole. Fox's Gotham has long had the reputation of being the unhinged, red-headed stepchild of the televised DC Comics universe, so it's no surprise that the show has hit plenty of plot holes … However, there was an element of the film that really bothered me, and it’s not really the film’s fault. There's a gaping one early on. A plot hole is a crucial gap in a story AS PRESENTED that prevents the proper function of the plot or characterisation AS PRESENTED. Now before you skip to the comments to tar and feather me, understand that if you accept the Rogue One explanation of how the exhaust port got there (it was an intentional flaw slipped in by a designer with rebel sympathies) then fine, that’s your call. But is it really that contrived? I mean, it wasn’t bad or anything. Each and every time he attempts to fix even the tiniest thing, it has MASSIVE ramifications. The Ewoks were a bunch of primitive natives. The space fights with X-Wings and TIE Fighters were influenced by World War II movies (both documentary and fictional) about the air war. So I usually miss things that turn out to be widely held opinions or ideas. Information and translations of plot hole in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … Now of course, the modern SJWars and the "writers" who crank it out would never realize this, because basically they'd have to actually watch the previous films and recognize what an ACTUAL writer is capable of, e.g, setting up stories years in advance and developing them to a logical conclusion based on a singular vision that the author had from the start--or as it was known in the olden days when Lucas was first writing the series, "genuine fucking effort". But I don’t think it’s a classic or anything. In our moment of triumph?!? Why do we need that now? Will we get a film about Han Solo encountering the bounty hunter on Ord Mantell? Patrons get full access to our archives and see no ads. I think Wookiees, which was the original idea for Return of the Jedi, would have been better. I have in fact seen it twice in the last four months. A contrivance is when something happens that’s possible but unlikely, and only happens because the author needed it to happen. I think this is probably the lamest evolution of Star Wars fandom I’ve witnessed in recent years. So I may be wrong about this. The Empire lost to them because they didn’t count on having to fight them. 17 infuriating, logic-defying plot holes in 'Batman v Superman' It's OK Ben -- we're confused too. So the exhaust port is not a plot hole. This station is now the ultimate power in the universe. The main character goes back in time briefly using his journal to try and rectify the past. It has to be a where readers are willing to give up some sense of logic or whatever for the sake of the story. So what is a plot hole? Urban Dictionary and our advertising partners set cookies on your computer to improve our site and the advertisements you see. Once again, if you needed to know why the exhaust port was there, I’m glad you got your answer, but I’ve never needed that explained to me. Definition of plot hole in the Definitions.net dictionary. And the rebels win because they fight on despite their disadvantages, while taking huge risks. Different from plot hole as a plot hole is something that should be impossible to happen. A plot hole is a basic premise or trope of a story that may not make sense, logically, when you examine them from a real world context. Fine, look I'm sorry if in a previous post I insulted you or someone else because of my political views, please don't troll me. You could argue that Rogue One is in keeping with that. If I am, feel free to tell me in the comments as obnoxiously as possible.). The AT-AT walkers aren’t just there because they’re a bad-ass design; they’re symbolic in that, even without the Death Star, the Empire is still bigger, stronger, and better armed than the rebels. Ships so large, they sank on their first voyage. Not a plot hole, at worst a plot contrivance, at best videogame logic along the line of Drake is a mass murderer but is still pretty cheery. A scene featuring Q giving 007 his gadgets is a staple of James Bond films. The first cavernous plot hole involves unexplainable or nonexistent motivations. Even the Ewoks are symbolic of this theme. This could well be a result of Darth Vader's demonstrated policy of executing officers who fail under his command, which prevents them from becoming experienced enough to make good decisions. It’s reiterated time and again throughout the movie that the Empire is completely confident in its ability to crush the rebels. It’s when a character knows information that nobody could have told them, or a character has an ability that solves a problem that the story never established that character having. the agony booth © 2021. I think you overestimate their chances.”, “It appears that the Empire does not believe a small one man fighter to be any threat. There are many themes in Star Wars, but the one I’ll focus on here is the theme of arrogance and beating the odds. Plot Hole: A gap or inconsistency in a storyline that goes against the flow of logic established by the story’s plot. The idea that the exhaust port is a result of a twenty-year plan to slip it in there by a rebel agent contradicts the theme. A contrivance is when something happens that’s possible but unlikely, and only happens because the author needed it to happen. As mentioned before, the idea that a giant, planet-sized, light speed-capable space station with enough destructive power to destroy an entire planet at its core would need an exhaust port is completely within the realm of possibility, considering the universe. We don't even need to come up with hypotheticals for plot holes in the original Star Wars. It’ll only encourage the bastards. And how does Luke destroy the Death Star? It seems that when Edgeworth was first starting out as a prosecutor several years ago, he got involved in an incident involving a smuggling ring. Plot holes almost always occur as answers to unsolvable problems. Method 2. ax = plt.subplot() ax.plot(x, y) This lets you plot one or several figure(s) in the same window. One of the things I loved about the original Star Wars Trilogy was its grit. If anything, it’s a plot contrivance. Discussion in 'Entertainment' started by 18-Till-I-Die, Feb 23, 2019. This is rather mind-blowing, because that one officer's decision arguably resulted in the fall of the entire galactic empire. Quote; Report; Author Hal 9000 Time 18-Jan-2021 5:38 PM Post link. An improbable thing happening isn't a plot hole. Tags: Rogue OneRogue One: A Star Wars StoryStar Wars, Montage daydream The Falcon and the Winter Soldier “Truth”, Johnny Mnemonic (1995), a recap (part 3 of 3), Wakanda weak Captain America is this? Meaning of plot hole. Movies are a short format for storytelling. Hitchcock even went as far as to say that what the MacGuffin is and what it does is irrelevant, because all that matters is that everyone wants it and that’s what drives the story. Think back to the first Pirates of the Caribbean. Plot Hole #1: Faulty Motivations. A plot hole is something that happens in the narrative that’s impossible, or at least, the story never establishes as being possible. In fact, it's the basis of almost all fiction, because when only the likely things happen, the reader gets bored. “Don’t be too proud of this technological terror you constructed. If you get into this sort of stuff, you’ll find various hilarious stories of seemingly bad-ass weapons having terrible flaws that didn’t become apparent before it was too late. The difference between a plot hole and a plot contrivance is one of the impossible verses the improbable. As I’ve mentioned before, I tend to avoid fandom conversations. Perhaps the most noticeable are those that deal with the choices that a character makes. Just as I don’t care how Han Solo wound up in debt to Jabba, the fact that he’s in debt is enough for me. People forget that George Lucas based a lot of Star Wars on history. In literary criticism, an idiot plot is one which is "kept in motion solely by virtue of the fact that everybody involved is an idiot,": 26 and where the story would otherwise be over, or possibly not even happen, if this were not the case. The plot arcs of each game have a few coincidences, but are usually explained as the long-term plans of people involved with the cases. It happens, but plot holes will break the bubble of belief or any so-called reality. If you wonder why the navy has so many ships besides aircraft carriers, it’s because carriers don’t have much in the way of armaments. To me, how the plans were obtained was explained in the title crawl of the first movie, and that’s all I needed. It’s telegraphed from the very first shot, with a large Star Destroyer looming over a tiny, fleeing rebel spaceship. I like that! A plot hole is something that happens in the narrative that’s impossible, or at least, the story never establishes as being possible. Image: Clay Enos By Josh Dickey 2016-03-28 13:50:34 UTC. STRANGER THINGS fans are no strangers to seeing odd things go on in the Netflix show, but the fans are not quick to overlook any plot holes or … Suddenly, the Empire are a bunch of idiots who didn’t think the engineer working on the Death Star’s construction under duress after his wife was killed by Imperial agents would think of sabotage. The first thing you need to do when confronted by a plot hole is identify the root cause. The exhaust port is the device in the story that reveals this theme. However, apparently fandom wanted another question answered, and I heard the same thing from many different corners: “Well, it did show us how the Death Star exhaust port got there.”. All Rights Reserved. A plot contrivance is when Chris Pine’s Kirk is marooned on a planetoid where Old Spock (who can explain everything) just happens to have also been stranded. Something that happens in the plot that is highly unlikely to happen, though still technically possible. I’m sure you’ve seen these clickbait bits of nonsense listing the “40 Plot Holes in The Force Awakens” even though the movie came out a week before the article was posted.
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