The origin of the flag's colors would be based on the description given by Alonso de Ercilla as those of the insignia of the Mapuche troops. Oktober 1967 verabschiedet.[3]. Although, the star which was finally adopted bore a star having five points with the design of the guñelve remaining reflected in an asterisk inserted in the center of the star, representing the combination of European and indigenous traditions. The following 30 September, during a celebration in the capital to commemorate the first government junta, the Chilean coat of arms, also called Patria Vieja, was solemnly adopted and included in the center of the flag. The flag must also be the first to be lifted and lowered the last. Asien | 90 x 150 cm. Auf dem faktisch selbstständigen Indianergebiet in Südchile und Teilen des heutigen Argentiniens versuchte der Franzose Orélie Antoine de Tounens in den 1860er und 1870er Jahren mehrfach vergeblich, ein „Königreich von Araukanien und Patagonien“ zu errichten, um die Indianer gegen die Eroberung durch Chile und Argentinien zu einen. Empfehlen; Für die Lieblingsliste bitte einloggen. So, the embroidered seal and the eight-pointed asterisk disappeared while the star was kept completely upright. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. The national emblems of Chile are the national flag, the coat of arms of the Republic and the national anthem. The Chilean flag is also known in Spanish as La Estrella Solitaria[1] (The Lone Star). The significances of these colors were equivalent to those of the Patria Vieja, except that the yellow replaced the red to represent the blood that had been shed during the many conflicts. Die Expedición Libertadora al Perú führte eine der chilenischen Flagge ähnelnde Version, deren drei Sterne für die Herkunft der Soldaten stand: Chile, Argentinien und Peru. The original flag was designed according to the Golden Ratio, which is reflected in the relation between the widths of the white and blue parts of the flag, as well as several elements in blue canton. [1] „ Chile liegt auf der Südhalbkugel, weshalb die Jahreszeiten um ein halbes Jahr im Vergleich zur Nordhalbkugel verschoben sind und Mond und Sterne am Firmament andersherum wandern.“ The Reconquista ended with the victory of Liberation Army of the Andes (Ejército Liberatador de los Andes) in the Battle of Chacabuco on 12 February 1817. The flag of the U.S. state of Texas is similar to the Chilean flag. Bolivien | This agreement reaffirmed the Spanish sovereignty over the territory of Chile, among other things, and as one of its direct consequences, the Spanish flag was readopted at the expense of the tricolor. Die Reihenfolge der Farben ist je nach Quelle unterschiedlich, auch verschiedene Versionen können existiert haben. Some regional governments have adopted their own insignias, though most lack relevance, being principally used for public, regional organizations. Paraguay | Few records remain of the original design, the most valuable being that of the flag used in the Declaration of Independence, which had a width of two meters and a length just over two feet. Many communes and cities also have their own flags. Same design as the National Flag with the, This page was last edited on 9 April 2021, at 19:13. Blau steht für den Himmel und den Pazifischen Ozean, Weiß für den Schnee der Anden und Rot für die rote Copihue-Blüte oder das Blut der Helden des Unabhängigkeitskrieges. 890 de 1975), it is a felony against the public order to publicly mistreat the flag, the coat of arms, the name of the motherland or the national anthem. For example, the flag with a red lightning bolt emblem superimposed was the insignia of the National Socialist Movement of Chile between 1932 and 1938. [12][13] (An exception was made in 2010 during the bicentennial celebrations, where display of the flag was permitted during the whole month of September. Die Flagge Chiles wurde als Nationalflagge am 18. whether in sea, on land, or anywhere else, In dem als chilenisches Nationalepos aufgefassten Versroman La Araucana (Teil I gedruckt in Madrid, 1569) wird von einem Heer der Araukaner (einheimische Mapuche-Indianer) berichtet, dessen Krieger sich mit grünen, blauen, weißen und „fleischroten“ Federn schmückten. Even if it needs for me to sacrifice my life Diese Flagge wurde noch während des Unabhängigkeitskrieges verwendet, der in Chile erst mit der Vertreibung der spanischen Interventionstruppen im April 1818 nach der Schlacht von Maipú und der endgültigen Eroberung Chiloés im Januar 1826 endete. Kolumbien | Die neue Flagge, die der „Übergangszeit“ (Transición), wurde von Juan Gregorio de Las Heras entworfen und ab April 1817 verwendet. One reason for its suppression was that it was easily confused with both the flag of the Netherlands and the tricolor of revolutionary France, from which it was inspired. Wichtige Gebäude, wie das Rathaus, die Post, das Nationalmuseum und die Kathedrale, befinden sich an diesem Ort. Nach einem starken Anstieg der Infektionen mit dem Coronavirus hat die chilenische Regierung den Ballungsraum um die Hauptstadt Santiago de Chile unter Quarantäne gestellt. Oktober 1817 eingeführt. Plaza de Armas . Fahne und Emblem Chile. September 1812 bis 1814. ? Die Wurzeln der Universitäten reichen zurück in das Jahr 1622, als am 19. Named the flag of the Patria Vieja ("Old Fatherland"), the flag had three horizontal stripes of blue, white and yellow. The victory at the Battle of Chacabuco on 26 May 1817 gave way to a new period known as the Patria Nueva (New Fatherland). Therefore, one of the first acts of his government would be the implementation of national symbols, such as an insignia, a coat of arms and a distinctive flag to identify the patriots. Artikel zurück Artikel 233 VON 419 nächster Artikel . 3 Chile Santiago de Chile Flaggen Südamerika Flags Aufnäher Aufbügler Set 1125. to give my life if need be, The exact color shades are not defined by law, but they are listed as “turqui blue”, “white” and “red”. Das blaue Feld ist ein Quadrat, dessen Seitenlänge ein Drittel der Länge bzw. The use of this red-and-yellow flag would be extended in 1793 to "maritime towns, castles and coastal defenses." 2597). Größe ca. "Flag Day" is held each year on the ninth of July to commemorate the 77 soldiers who died in the 1882 Battle of La Concepción. Der weiße Stern symbolisiert die Freiheit. "[10] However, the flag would not have much success, and an earlier design would become the definitive Cuban flag. Am 28. Despite initial enthusiasm, the flag did not obtain official legalization and disappeared five months later. The national emblems of Chile are the national flag, the coat of arms of the Republic and the national anthem. Pursuant to article 6 of the State Security Act of Chile (Decreto No. ? Von Mapcarta, die offene Karte. Naval ensign and national flag of Spain (1785–1873 and 1875–1931). August die erste Universität in Chile unter dem Namen Santo Tomás de Aquino gegründet wurde. It would be during the government of Jose Miguel Carrera in which the desire for emancipation would gain more strength. Flagge Chiles (transición), April 1817 bis September 1817, ? 1820 zog José de San Martín mit einer Armee nach Norden, um Peru von der spanischen Kolonialherrschaft zu befreien. Nevertheless, the junta was established (at least nominally) as a way of controlling the government during the absence of King Fernando VII, so that the symbols of government remained Hispanic. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 3. Additionally, in the center is printed the National Coat of Arms, known from the previous Flag of the Transition and adopted in 1817. Each battalion had its own flag, which could incorporate different elements including the heraldic coat of arms of the King of Spain. Today, the flag of the Patria Vieja is used during memorial services for moose Chilean historical period, conducted by the National Institute (Instituto Nacional General José Miguel Carrera), which Carrera's government founded (10 August 1813). Santiago de Chile ist die Hauptstadt von Chile und liegt im geografischen Zentrum des Landes, am Westhang der Anden. Uruguay | CAMINO 2020 Patch Aufnäher Iron on Aufbügler Spain Saint James Way Santiago … Als Identifikationszeichen führte Tounens eine horizontale Trikolore in Grün, Blau und Weiß ein. Besonders wetterfest und robust. This article is about the state flag. Although the blue-white-yellow flag of the Patria Vieja was the most recognized, other versions utilized a different arrangement of the colors, such as white-blue-yellow, for example. 90 x 150 cm. Die Metropolregion Santiago (Spa: Región Metropolitana de Santiago) ist eine administrative Region in Chile.Sie liegt ungefähr in der Mitte des Landes. :Bellos Haus – nach ihrem ersten Rektor, Andrés Bello) bekannt. 890 de 1975), it is a felony against the public order to publicly mistreat the flag, the coat of arms, the name of the motherland or the national anthem. Article 22 of the 1980 Constitution of Chile states that all inhabitants of the Republic owe respect to Chile and to its national emblems. The upper area is divided once: in a square (blue), with a single centered white star; and rectangle (white), whose lengths are in proportion 1:2. Größe ca. [1] Sie wurde bis zur Schlacht von Rancagua verwendet, bei der die Patrioten den Royalisten unterlagen. The star does not appear upright in the center of the rectangular canton, instead the upper point appears slightly inclined toward the pole in such a way that the projection of its sides divide the length of the canton golden proportion. Flagge Chile. This Flag Map Of Santiago De Chile - Santiago De Chile Flag is high quality PNG picture material, which can be used for your creative projects or simply as a decoration for your design & website content. What To Expect - Santiago De Chile (Our First Trip) : This is our first time in Santiago, Chile. Ein eigenes Gesetz zur Verwendung der nationalen Symbole, darunter der Nationalflagge, wurde zum 150. In the independence of Chile, Bernardo O'Higgins said that guñelve was the direct inspiration for creating the Chilean flag with the Lone Star. According to the General History of Chile by Diego Barros Arana, the last time the Flag of the Transition was unfurled was at the ceremony to commemorate the Battle of Rancagua, two weeks before the adoption of the current national flag. die Hälfte der Höhe der Flagge misst. The flag of Chile consists of two equal horizontal bands of white and red, with a blue square the same height as the white band in the canton, which bears a white five-pointed star in the center. [6] The bottom red strip replaced the yellow from the flag of 1812. Jahrestag der Einführung der Flagge am 18. and thus invest my efforts in being a brave and honorable soldier (sailor, airmen) In 1854 the proportion was determined in keeping with the colors of the flag, leaving the canton as a square and the ratio of hoist to fly set to 2:3. Dieser Aufkleber ist in verschiedenen Größen erhältlich.. Der Aufkleber wird auf eine Vinyfolie gedruckt und abschließend mit einem Flüssiglaminat für einen zusätzlichen UV-Schutz versehen. Sie spielte bewusst auf die Flagge der Vereinigten Staaten an. Peru | Brasilien | Flagge der Expedición Libertadora al Perú, 1820. Curaçao | Oktober 1817 zur Nationalflagge Chiles erklärt. Months later in 1814, Carrera left political and military power, and Francisco de la Lastra was chosen as Supreme director. ? Auf Initiative des chilenischen Kriegsministers José Ignacio Zenteno (1786–1847) wurde sie am 18. Ecuador | Neben den Regionen und Kommunen führen auch die Universitäten und politische Parteien eigene Flaggen. In dem als chilenisches Nationalepos aufgefassten Versroman La Araucana (Teil I gedruckt in Madrid, 1569) wird von einem Heer der Araukaner (einheimische Mapuche-Indianer) berichtet, dessen Krieger sich mit grünen, blauen, weißen und „fleischroten“ Federn schmückten. [1] Am 12. Januar 1912 nochmals bestätigt (Gesetz Nr. The war of independence began at great losses for the patriot side, and so signed the Treaty of Lircay on 3 May 1814. The flag of Texas was designed and adopted on 25 January 1839; whereas Chile adopted a flag similar to today's Chilean flag 22 years earlier on 18 October 1817. Santiago de Chile, offiziell und kurz Santiago, ist die Hauptstadt und Primatstadt von Chile.. Das Stadtgebiet ist Teil der Hauptstadtregion (Región Metropolitana), die neben der Provinz Santiago weitere fünf Provinzen umfasst.Im städtischen Siedlungsgebiet (área urbana) leben 5.220.161 Menschen, in der gesamten Región Metropolitana sind es 7.112.808 (Stand 2017). And to serve and protect all citizens and the people who live in this land Ozeanien. Der Plaza de Armas ist der Hauptplatz von Santiago de Chile, vergleichbar mit einem Marktplatz in Deutschland. The emblem, adopted as a symbol at the beginning of carrerismo, was subsequently adopted by Chilean nationalism movement. Article 22 of the 1980 Constitution of Chile states that all inhabitants of the Republic owe respect to Chile and to its national emblems. Europa | The flag was protected by various hereditary institutions until it was stolen in 1980 by members of the Revolutionary Left Movement as a protest against the military dictatorship. Präsidialdekret Nr. What Do the Colors and Symbols of the Flag of Chile Mean? März 2007. In Canto XXI, Alonso de Ercilla described Talcahuano, warrior and chief of the Mapuche who work the lands near the present-day city that bears his name, bearing emblems of blue, white and red. Zoom. Das Rot steht für den Mut der Unabhängigkeitskämpfer Chiles. In memory of the brave heroes of the Battle of La Concepcion in 1882, on 9 July each year, the very day the final Chilean soldiers in La Concepcion died in defense of the Chilean nation, this Pledge to the Flag (Juramento de la Bandera) is recited at all installations and military bases of the Chilean Army and on graduation parades of the Chilean Navy and Chilean Air Force across the nation in remembrance of this moment in Chilean history. In this battle, the patriot troops fought with the army colonel and the flag of the Army of the Andes, inspired by the flag of Argentina, without readopting the blue-white-yellow standard. The star is located in the center of the blue canton and is constructed on a circle whose diameter is half the side of the canton. However, these descriptions were made late in the eighteenth century without certainty about the age of them. Sie liegt am Fuße der Anden und ist ein wichtiger Verkehrsknotenpunkt sowie das bedeutendste Wirtschafts- und Kulturzentrum von Chile mit zahlreichen Universitäten, Hochschulen, Museen und Baudenkmälern. Two flags have been documented as used by Mapuche troops. Die Flagge von Chile wurde am 17.10.1817 eingeführt. At the onset of the Chilean War of Independence, the First Government Junta was proclaimed on 18 September 1810, marking Chile's first step toward independence. Die Flagge der Osterinsel (Reimiro) wird von der ursprünglichen Bevölkerung der Rapanui verwendet, auch bei offiziellen Anlässen neben der Flagge Chiles. Recorded March 2, 2009.Santiago, is the capital and largest city of Chile. A horizontal bicolor of white and red with the blue square ended on the upper hoist-side corner of the white band bearing the white five-pointed star in the center. Two main differences are that the red and blue colors are inverted and that the red canton extends to the middle of the fly instead of one-third as on the Chilean flag. On other occasions, the red Cross of Santiago was included in the upper left corner together with the coat of arms in the center. The Catamarca province in Argentina adopted a flag in 2011 that has nearly the same colour design, but the blue is paler, and with a yellow border and a sun with two olive branches in the center. The Chilean flag can be displayed hanging either vertically or horizontally from a building or wall. Seine fünf Zacken stehen auch für die fünf ersten Provinzen Chiles.[1]. „Königreich von Araukanien und Patagonien“, 1860. ... Flagge aus 100 % Polyestergewirke. La Moneda in Santiago de Chile ist der Regierungssitz des Präsidenten. Lakosainak száma a 2002. évi népszámlálás szerint 6,0 millió fő, ami az ország lakosságának csaknem 40%-a.Ezzel Latin-Amerika egyik legnagyobb városa. in accordance with the laws and regulations, Hier bieten wir Ihnen einen Aufkleber mit der Fahne-Flagge von Santiago de Chile an. We spent a full day checking out some of major sights to try to find the best things to in Santiago de Chile. (Other laws include Law No. Pursuant to article 6 of the State Security Act of Chile (Decreto No. However, there is information about a possible third flag between the Transitional and final, which would have exchanged the order of white and blue stripes and incorporated the five-pointed white star on the central strip, but that is no certainty, and it is not accepted by the majority of Chilean historians. The first flag, according to tradition, would have been embroidered by the sister of the ruler, Javiera Carrera, and would be presented and raised for the first time on 4 July 1812 at a dinner with the United States consul Joel Roberts Poinsett to celebrate the anniversary of U.S. independence, an event having a great influence on the locals' struggle for independence. If done for the Carabineros de Chile, it is on the service anniversary (27 April) and passing out parades of enlisted personnel. These designs soon fell into oblivion due to the difficulty in the flag's construction. Die Hauptstadt der Region ist Santiago de Chile, die ebenfalls die Hauptstadt von Chile ist.Mit über 7 Mio. [citation needed], Public buildings and private residences are required to display the flag on Navy Day (21 May), National Day (18 September) and Army Day (19 September). [13][15] If the flag is displayed incorrectly or not displayed at all during these days, the person responsible may be fined.[16]. [7]. Flagge Santiago de Chile . For a list of Chilean flags, see, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Learn how and when to remove this template message, flag of the Confederate States of America, "Virtual journal of contemporary art and emerging trends", "Los verdaderos emblemas de la República de Chile 1810-2010", "Historia de los Emblemas Nacionales Chilenos. The state of Amazonas in Brazil also adopted a similar flag in 1982. Der weiße Stern ist ein zentral in diesem Quadrat angeordnetes, mit der Spitze nach oben ausgerichtetes Pentagramm, dessen Umkreisdurchmesser der Hälfte der Seitenlänge des Quadrates entspricht. English translation of the pledge - Armed Forces variant. Dieses Stockfoto: Eine Frau steht mit der Anden-Flagge außerhalb der bolivianischen Konsulat während der Feierlichkeiten zum Tag der Meer in Santiago de Chile, 23. Cross of Burgundy, emblem of the King and Armed Forces in Spanish Empire. The construction of the flag of Chile, at present, is officially defined in Supreme Decree No. Flagge Santiago de Chile . Santiago de Chile Chile fővárosa, egyben legnagyobb városa, közigazgatásilag a Santiagói Régió központja. Its flag also has an elongated blue canton with multiple stars. Santiago (oficial în spaniolă, Santiago de Chile) este capitala statului Chile și cel mai mare oraș. : You are free: to share – to copy, distribute and transmit the work; to remix – to adapt the work; Under the following conditions: attribution – You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. It is located in the country's central valley, at an elevation of 1700 feet). In this document, the national emblems, coat of arms, the rosette or cockade, and the presidential standard were established. Wählen Sie Ihre Cookie-Einstellungen. [2], Die erste Flagge, die der patria vieja (altes Vaterland), war eine 1812 von José Miguel Carrera entworfene horizontale Trikolore in Blau-Weiß-Orange, die erstmals am 18. Argentinien | Auswandern English translation of the pledge - Carabineros variant. [3], The main symbol of this flag is the star of Arauco, called guñelve, representing the flower of the canelo and the bright star of Venus.
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